The tagline “Your Real Estate Wealth Rescuer” is more than just a marketing blurb; it is a window into what motivates me and how we can come together to help us all, especially the dogs!
Your real estate wealth rescuer
The tagline “Your Real Estate Wealth Rescuer” is more than just a marketing blurb; it is a window into what motivates me and how we can come together to help us all, especially the dogs!
Get to know my pal Otto Leopold the Doberman. He is my best friend and the reason I got into the Doberman rescue field in the first place!
Rescue Doberman Needs Your Help Can you help a local rescue, a Doberman that needs your help, to find the perfect home? In this episode of Saving DMV, I’m going to share the story of Simera, a Doberman we rescued who needed extensive surgery on all four limbs. I’ll walk you through what it took to… Continue reading Simera The Rescue Doberman Needs Your Help!
Help Us Save Mozart | Mozart needs your help. Today, we are not saving houses, we are saving dogs. I’ve seen a lot of sad cases, but this one is different. Mozart is a 5-year-old Doberman Pinscher. He is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He loves people,… Continue reading Help Us Save Mozart!