Your real estate wealth rescuer

My 2021 Recap

I help busy Maryland professionals maximize their returns on real estate sales with ease.
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2021 was a great year in real estate, but a hard one for a lot of people I know and love. I’m happy for all the wonderful things that happened, but I’m hoping for an even better 2022. May the boosters be the change we need! Covid has at least taught us that family and the home are the most important things. And I think we will continue to see that play out.

I am excited to start my renovation project in January to help my home become an even more beautiful version of itself. You can expect that video series to continue throughout the next few months.

A special thank you to all of my clients who worked with me to buy or sell their homes in 2021, which allowed me to donate funds to the homeless Dobermans at DAR&E ( For those dogs, their world changed forever!

